Thursday January 1, 1970 1:30pm - 2:15pm HKT
The human brain possesses an astounding capacity for rewiring and remodeling itself throughout life, enabling us to rejuvenate, refine, and enhance our cognitive abilities at any age. Explore the neuroscience of learning and discover strategies to maximize student potential through cognitive training.

Delve into the significance of neuroplasticity and various brain training techniques and neurotech that can empower neurodivergent learners. Learn how neurofeedback can support student well-being and integrate seamlessly into a school's social-emotional learning (SEL) program.

By strategically exercising specific neural pathways, we can significantly boost people's thinking, perception, learning, and memory skills. In fact, brain training exercises may be equally effective as medications in addressing neurodevelopmental conditions.

Incorporating cognitive exercises into school curricula can help students excel academically. When engaged in these activities, learners can develop greater precision, speed, and retention in their cognitive processes, benefiting both high-achieving students and those with learning needs.

By prioritizing cognitive training during the formative educational years, we can empower students to reach their full potential, equipping them with the mental tools necessary for academic and lifelong success. Investing in brain plasticity during this critical period can have a profound and lasting impact on cognitive capabilities.

Expected Outcomes:
For school leaders and educators to understand how learning works in the brain
To explore the concept of Brain-based model in instructional design
To delve into the different cognitive processes and how can schools assess and optimize them.
To consider the place and need for cognitive assessment and training in schools
To investigate the importance of cognitive training to facilitate, improve and maximise learning
To explore the use of neurotech for not just neurodivergent learners but to maximise potential, elevate performance and to improve self-regulation
To know how neurofeedback is used in various institututions around the world to :
- Enhance focus and attention
- Improve academic performance
- Reduce anxiety and stress
- Improve sleep
- Enhance emotional regulation
avatar for Glory Goh

Glory Goh

Deputy Head of Junior School, Dulwich College Suzhou
Glory Goh is a Singporean educator who has worked in international schools in China for the last 28 years. She has taught a range of subjects to students between the age of 3 and 14. Her specialties include EdTech, Pastoral Wellbeing, Safeguarding and cognitive assessment.Glory is... Read More →
avatar for Daisy Wang

Daisy Wang

Social Emotional & University Careers Counsellor, Dulwich College Suzhou
Thursday January 1, 1970 1:30pm - 2:15pm HKT
Chancellor Room, Room B Level 4, HKCEC
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